пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

My name project

Title:My name project
Student Age Level : 13-14
Number of student involved :12
Teacher's names : Tatiana Kruck,Halina Urbanovich
Name of School: School №3,Miory.Vitebsk Region

About me and my name
     Hello, my name is Vlad .I am from Belarus, Miory, Vitebsk region. My name is very interesting and beautiful. Vlad is very ancient name. It has come to me from the old Slavonic language and is translated as “to have glory”. My grandmother gave this name to me. But at the beginning my parents wanted to give me the name of Pavel. So, Vlad is rare name.

My name project

Meaning of the name Dima:
I was so named because My older sister liked the name)
COLOR named Dmitry - Red, purple, piercing blue.
STONE-TALISMAN Dmitry - Lapis.
ANIMAL Dmitry - tiger, walrus.
KEY FEATURES OF THE NATURE OF DMITRY - Compassion, will, activity, sexuality.
Appearance Dmitry - Strong, flexible. Inclined to withdraw into yourself and look hard at others. Excessively subjective, and rarely puts himself in the place of another. Dangerous if it will be like his totem - a tiger.
Character named Dmitry - Blast, stubborn, strong-willed. Very sociable, faithful friendship, but it is difficult to get along. Intelligent, persistent, resourceful, but often it replaces a flight of imagination a reality
DESTINY Dmitry - Dmitry whole life - a chain of ups and downs, successes and failures. Does not contribute to stability and laziness.
INTUITION Dmitry - more or less listen to her.
THINKING Dmitry - Live, cold analytical mind. Conclusions doing only thoroughly study the issue.
R- Romanticism
Famous people whose names are like mane:
False Dmitry I, in dealing with foreign countries - Emperor Demetrius - the king of Russia from June 1, 1605, on the conventional wisdom in the historiography of the opinion - an imposter pretending to be miraculously escaped the youngest son of Ivan IV the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry.

Dmitry Y. Shemyaka (? - 1453) - Grand Duke of Moscow, as well as Prince of Uglich, Prince Galitsky

 Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev - Russian scientist and social activist. Chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, engineer, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, balloonist,instrument makers, lexicograp
, Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975) - the great Soviet composer, pianist, educator and social activist. One of the greatest composers of XX century, which had a huge impact on the world musical culture.
 Dmitry Medvedev, is the third President of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
 Dmitry Malikov Yu - Soviet and Russian musician: composer, pianist, singer and producer, Honored Artist of Russia

Dmitry Koldun - Belarusian singer


Hi, I am Julia Kurash,from Miory,Vitebsk Region,Belorus I have made a project about my name
Value and origin.Julia(star.lulia)-Roman generic name.
Basic features.Communicative,sensitivity,
Intution.Julia has the ability to anticipate
the main stages of his life.





A future ballet dancer

Julia Roberts – a famous American actress

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